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One of three UX Designers

Interaction Design, Visual Design, Information Architecture

Tools Used

Google Suite


User Research
Visual Design
Usability Testing

Affirming our Assumptions

In order to find participants, who have used similar social media platforms, and gather industry insights, a screener survey was sent out with the following questions:

1. Have used the web / social media for outfit inspiration in the last 6 months.
2. Followed influencers outside the U.S.

We gained a wealth of data from our user research and grouped the data points into topics in order to find users' behaviors, goals, needs, and frustrations. 

Competitive / Comparative Matrix

MoSCoW Map

Platform Justification - Native mobile application

  • Users are always sharing new looks with friends 

  • Users use the app daily to stay up to date on the latest fashion trends

  • The majority of our interviewees use the native Instagram app for clothing inspiration and other fashion content  

  • Users need to be able to create an account and save fashion trends they like in the app

Design Research

The team conducted an in-depth analysis of our competitors and find the answer to, "How and when do people use social media?"

To finish the product within the allotted time frame, we created a MoSCoW Map for feature prioritization.

All Projects

The team was able to derive Insights from "I" Statements, created from affinity map. We were able to further get an idea of how our fellow humans behave based on their past experiences:

  • Expression
    Users use clothing to express themselves and relate to others.

  • Authenticity
    Users want recommendations that are authentic and expand their view by learning about fashion origins and fashion in other cultures.

  • Representation
    Users want to be personally represented in the fashion they’re interested in.

  • Support
    Users don't post what they personally wear because they believe that they will be judged.

Understanding our Users

We created a persona, an archetypal user of our product, to better answer the question, "Who are we designing for?"

Journey Map

To further help us understand our users goals and frustrations, we created a journey map. The users actions can give us an idea of what opportunities we can provide that meet our clients business goals.

First Go

After sketching out ideas for wireframes, we created mid-fidelity wireframes based on our user and design research. The wireframes included Sign Up, User Preferences, ways to Discover new content, a Home page which displays followed users, and content Detail pages.

The Problem

Miranda loves checking out global fashion inspiration but does not post on social media because she feels judged.

She needs a diverse platform with a supportive community to connect to global fashion in order to find and post outfit inspiration.

How might we...

Connect Miranda to a global fashion community?
Create a supportive fashion community?

Is the Platform Usable?

We chose 2 tasks, based on our MoSCoW Map, for our users to complete during our mid-fidelity usability testing. Of the 2 tasks only 1 was successful, but still difficult for users to complete.

We asked users to create an account and choose their fashion preferences so we can better show them relevant user-generated content. We chalked up the failure to the mid-fidelity prototype not having enough information (images and text) for our users to select.

Task 1: Create an Account

1/3 Users completed this task:

  • 1 user initially tapped the “Next” button on the “What cultures interest you?” before selecting interests, but successfully completed task.

  • 1 user tapped the “Log In” button instead of the “Sign Up” button.

  • 1 user tapped the “Skip” button on the “What cultures interest you?” page.


  • In the high-fidelity prototype, add images of countries to encourage choosing options.

  • Show another set of preferences, cut off above the "Next" and "Skip" modal.

Task 2: Save a Post

3/3 Users completed this task with difficulty:

  • 1 user tried to add a comment to be able to see the post later.

  • 1 user tapped on a few other icons before going back to the Detail page and tapping the star icon.

  • 1 user moved through the app several times before finding the star icon.


  • Separate “Liking” and “Bookmarking” functionality into two separate icons.

  • Keep the Star icon to allow users to “Liking” a post.

In the second task we had a chance to test users' mental models. We chose a ☆ icon as both a "Liking" and "Bookmarking" feature. Users would click on the star when they wanted to add a "like" and be able to see the post later in their Favorites.

Users found the application of the star icon for "Bookmarking" confusing because of their familiarity of existing icons. This was something we had to review when moving forward in the next iteration. Below are our notable findings:


/ˈɡlōbəl/   •   Adjective

Relating to the whole world

"Jeans were one of the few pieces of clothing that was a revolution and carried throughout the whole world."

Users can search for particular hashtags or choose from trending hashtags and photos in the Discover tab.


Photo Feed

The Photo Feed allows users to scroll through photos categorized by the country in which they were submitted.


/səˈpôrdiv/   •   Adjective

Providing encouragement or emotional help

We want to create a self-moderated community that is intolerant of rude posts and comments.

Users can flag any inappropriate comments that will be reviewed by moderators.

Community Guidelines

Report Comments


/dəˈvərs/   •   Adjective

Showing a great deal of variety

"Fashion is a way of showcasing personality."


Brand Messaging

“Fashion for Everyone. Everywhere.”

We want our users to be able to showcase their personalities and view other user generated content that may inspire them.

TrendSend features celebrities, influencers and regular posters from all over to talk about what fashion and diversity mean to them.

When designing our hi-fidelity wireframes, it was important for us to reference our problem statement throughout the process to make sure we are designing things right:

Miranda needs a diverse platform with a supportive community to connect to global fashion in order to find and post outfit inspiration.

How did the "Diverse", "Supportive", and "Global" values guide our designs? 

Iterating with Values

Testing the Hi-Fidelity Prototype

We further tested prioritized features that would help us produce a minimum viable product.

Task 1: Create an Account

3/3 Users successfully completed this task, but,

  • 2 users were not aware that they can scroll through the user preference pages.


  • The account preference page footers can be smaller to show the other content behind it.

Task 2: Save a Post

3/3 Users completed this task, but:

  • 1 User was unsure of the functionality of the bookmark button vs the star button.

  • 1 User initially did not scroll on the details page.


  • Test current icon for liking an image.

  • Test a different icon for liking an image.

  • Consider with developers the needs of the algorithm and use of star / liking.

Task 3 and 4: Report a Comment and Find a Saved Outfit

3/3 Users completed both tasks successfully.


  • Give more context to who the "fashion police" are in the report pop up.

Next Steps

  • Add labels to primary navigation icons in order to meet best practices

  • Implement hi-fidelity usability testing recommendations

  • Re-evaluate copy in the account creation screens

  • Meet with developers to discuss algorithm 

  • Meet with product manager to discuss monetization

  • Partner with brand ambassadors




We chose to create a social platform to connect international users within the global fashion community. The platform promotes user-generated content that serves as fashion inspiration.

Why is TrendSend important?

Fashion is a reflection of our individual personalities. People are judged through first impressions by what we wear. We want to build a platform where people are secure and feel safe wearing their heart on their sleeves.

Designing the Platform

Icons (first image) made by Surang, Turkkub, and FreePik  from

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