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WeDidIt White Label Donor Portal

Giving Warmth Back to Non-Profit Donors

Donors' connection to the organization reflects how they see themselves.

The degree to which donors trust an organization depends on their sense of connection to and personal understanding of the organization's mission and work:

- Donors see their values reflected in the mission
- They feel connected to the good work and its impact on the world

Transaction vs. Connection

At first, donor’s relationship with the donor portal seems purely transactional:

- They only log on when they have a specific task in mind
- They want to accomplish it as quickly and easily as possible

In reality, at the core, they use the donor portal to reaffirm their connection to the organization by:

- Updating contact information
- Updating donation details

Personal donor portal sketches.

Gathering inspiration in Miro for the landing page.

Personal landing page sketches.

Black packaging with white text

I'm a paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It’s easy. Just click “Edit Text” or double click me to add your own content and make changes to the font. Feel free to drag and drop me anywhere you like on your page. I’m a great place for you to tell a story and let your users know a little more about you. This is a great space to write a long text about your company and your services.

You can use this space to go into a little more detail about your company. Talk about your team and what services you provide. Tell your visitors the story of how you came up with the idea for your business and what makes you different from your competitors. Make your company stand out and show your visitors who you are.

Black Edition

Best Practices and Design Research

We wanted to explore the usability of WeDidIt’s donor portal using UX best practices and conducted a Heuristic Analysis on the current template. While the template seemed simple, we did not believe that our users would easily change their contact details. The Contact Details heading had an arrow next to it that may signify that it would take you to an external page. The button was used to reveal a contact form. We believed that the template needed an information architecture redesign to split up information in a way that made sense to users.

Metrics of Success: Information architecture checklist from The Understanding Group (Abby Covert)

Interviewing Our Users

A screener survey was sent out to social media platforms to screen for interview participants, for qualitative data, on donations they have made to non-profit organizations.

Have you accessed or updated information on a donor portal within the last 12 months?

Have you made a recurring donation
within the last 12 months?

We have found that users log in to the portal primarily for the following critical tasks, which needed improvements from our initial usability tests:

1. Update a recurring donation

2. Change their personal address

Between the features Allegiance asked us to address and the user research, this gave us a better idea of feature prioritization.

Heuristic analysis summary. 

Current WeDidIt White Label Donor Portal

Confirming our Assumptions

We chose user participants, who have made donations in the past, from our screener survey and conducted usability testing on the current WeDidIt platform. This would help us reveal any friction points or confusing experiences in the current website so we can improve the experience during the redesign.

The usability test was run with 5 users who were asked to complete 4 tasks. Below are notable findings which the team found were vital to improve:

Lina needs a way to manage her account details, that is both human and efficient, so that she can reaffirm her connection to the organization.

How might we reciprocate the connection Lina feels for the non-profit organization, through the donor portal?

Problem Statement

We kicked off our research synthesis with affinity mapping the user interview  points to find users’ behaviors, goals, needs, and frustrations. The team was able to derive insights from affinity map topics and "I" statements in order to synthesize the users behavior and what is driving it. Two insights stood out in particular:

Digging Deeper

We looked at how competitors, such as Cincinnati Public Radio, and comparators, such as Patreon, and WNYC / NPR, addressed the features that Allegiance Fundraising would like to integrate into the WeDidIt platform. How our comparators handled the layout and operation of their features influenced us later in the process during the teams design studio.


Using our research and best practices for UX and information architecture, we sketched our ideas for the donor portal.

We are working on a donor portal template so how do we make it delightful?

During the next meeting with our client, we discovered that they also had an “Events” template they were planning on merging with the donor portal in the future. The team thought it would be a great idea to add a way for donors to see upcoming events and navigate to the events page.

We sketched out an idea for a landing page that would include the organization's message, surveys, events, and short summaries of the users recurring donations and memberships.

We had to remember that in addition to the navigation bar in the template, each organization would also have their own header and navigation above it.

Delight Through Design

Based on our design studio sketches, we created mid-fi wireframes in Figma. We left space for each organizations header / navigation bar above our new template.

Mid-Fidelity Wireframes

We provided Allegiance Fundraising with a mockup of the proposed design using a style guide of a client they were already working with.

Client Example

User satisfaction rating before and after UX redesign
( x / 5 )

Results and Takeaways

The proposed donor portal scored nearly a point higher in overall user satisfaction in the donor portal. While this metric gives an overall rating, there are too many variables that may give a positive or negative influence to the score.

Allegiance Fundraising was excited to introduce the proposed donor portal to non-profit organizations that were thinking of switching over from the Classic CRM to the new WeDidIt platform. The team succeeded in creating a delightful experience for donors and checked off all of the features that the client asked us to address.

The proposed next steps:

1. Create an onboarding experience for current WeDidIt and Classic CRM users
2. Iterate on improving the usability of features that did not perform well during usability testing
3. Further develop the credit card storage feature that was out of scope during this sprint

We created a persona, Lina, using our user research, "I" statements, and insights in order to represent our user group. We referenced our Persona throughout the process and ask ourselves, "How would this benefit Lina?"

Understanding our User


Feel like she's having a positive impact on the world around her.


To update her account and donations to reflect changes in her financial and personal life.

Pain Points

Donor portal for the organization she donates to is impersonal, rigid, and had to work with.

" What pulls me into a non-profit happens outside the website. "

Lina, 34 years old
Senior Analyst from Raleigh, NC

We chose users, who have made donations in the past, from our initial screener survey and conducted usability testing on our proposed donor portal. 

Usability Testing

All Projects

Task 1: Update your credit card information

3/5 participants eventually completed the task.

  • 5/5 participants said they would expect the credit card information to be in the "Contact Details" section.

  • 3/5 were uncertain about what the "Edit Donation" button did once they found it.


  • Information Architecture will play a critical role in redesigning the website.


  • Allow users to edit credit card information from where they believe they would be able to find it.

  • Label icons so users understand what they do.


Task 2: Change your Password

5/5 participants completed the task but:

  • 3/5 participants expected a "My Account" section.

  • 2/5 missed the "Contact Details" section of site.


  • Users have a set expectation of where to find information and the path to completion is not obvious.


  • The "Contact Details" drop down menu should have a filled arrow pointing to the right, which is located before text is a best practice for a drop down menu or form.

  • Add clarity to the naming of sections.


Task 1: Edit Your communications preferences

5/5 participants successfully completed the task, but:

  • 5/5 participants initially navigated to the "My Account Tab".


  • Relocate “Subscriptions and Notifications” content to the “My Account” tab.


Task 2: Take A Survey on the Landing page

4/5 participants successfully completed the task, but:

  • 2/4 who succeeded were confused about whether or not action completed

  • 1/5 expected the survey to be on the “Home” tab, but failed to locate the survey


  • Depending on organization’s preference, display a message in the survey box upon completion showing: 

    • User’s responses

    • Allowing user to retake the survey

    • Acknowledging that responses have been recorded



One of three UX Designers

Tools Used

Google Suite


User Research

Usability Testing

My team worked with Allegiance Fundraising on their recently acquired Customer Relationship Management (CRM) product, WeDidIt. Their customers, non-profit organizations, use their Classic CRM and WeDidIt.

Our goal was to incorporate functionality currently available in Allegiance Fundraising’s Classic CRM donor portal product and add improvements that our clients need into the WeDidIt donor portal. The users in focus were donors of non-profit organizations which used donor portals. The client provided us with the following list of features which they would like to introduce into the WeDidIt platform:

1. Make a one-time donation
2. Choose a thank you gift 
3. Ability to display message
4. Opt in and out of subscriptions
5. Reset their password
6. Ask their donors specific (survey) questions


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